Just the Clicks
Act 1
The Zombie Factory
- Go to Pimp Le Car.
- Ask about Zombie Factory.
- Go to Stuttgart in the DeSoto.
- Look in Open Grave.
- Use Brain with Gargoyle left of entrance.
- Ask Jurgen about the source of his power.
- Ask Jurgen about Midtown Cowboys.
- Go outside.
- Look in Trash Container.
- Go to TV Studio in DeSoto.
- Use Clove Cigarettes on Bag.
- Ask Director to start filming.
- Go to Stinky's Diner.
- Look at Sun Lamp.
- Talk to Stinky about Sun Lamp.
- Take Sun Lamp.
- Go to Stuttgart.
- Go to DJ Booth.
- Press Top Yellow button: Death.
- Press Bottom Pink button: Sepulcher.
- Press Top Orange Button: Embrace.
- Press Second Down Pink button: Letters.
- Go through Coffin.
- Use Sun Lamp with Spotlight.
- Go to DJ Booth.
- Press Second from right blue button.
- Take Bottled Water.
- Go to the Office.
- Use Bottled Water with Ceremonial Urn.
- Return to Stuttgart.
- Use Holy Water with Max outside Zombie Factory.
- Talk to Jurgen, tell him he ain't all that.
- Say "Count Cryptwind Deathgrasp"
- Say "Baron Bat-Anguish Von Nightmare"
- Say "We'll knock you out deader than Bela Lugosi!"
- Say "Our world is endless torment and sorrow."
- Say "'Cause all creation ends in death and decay."
- Click on Fireplace.
Act 2
- Go inside Zombie Factory.
- Go into Fireplace.
- Look at Liberate Jurgen picture above stakes.
- Go to DJ Booth.
- Press Fourth Down Yellow button: Abyss.
- Press Third Down Yellow button: Razors.
- Press Third Down Pink button: Pain.
- Press Fourth Down Pink button: Parents.
- Go through Bookcase.
- Go to street.
- Go into Stinky's.
- Shoot at Hand from the left four times.
- Talk to Stinky.
- Shoot at Hand again.
- Go into Fireplace.
- Take Bolt Cutters from floor.
- Go to Pimp Le Car.
- Win driving challenge.
- Use Bolt Cutters with Super Antenna.
- Go to Sybil's.
- Talk to Sybil.
- Go into Fireplace.
- Pull Switch next to Monster.
- Talk to Monster about Sybil.
- Point at third question.
- Click on Chocolate Heart.
- Take Chocolate Heart.
- Go into Fireplace.
- Use Super Antenna on Alchemy Machine.
- Pull Switch.
- Use Chocolate Heart on Alchemy Machine.
- Use Lincoln's Brain with Monster.
- Use Jesse James' Hand with Monster.
- Use Gold Heart with Monster.
- Go to Sybil's.
- Ask question one.
- Ask question two.
- Ask question three.
- Take Soul Mater.
- Go into Fireplace.
- Use Soul Mater on souls.
Act 3
- Use Soul Mater on Monster.
- Pull Soul Sucker lever.
- Go into Soul Sucker.
- Pick up stake from rack.
- Use Stake on Jurgen.