Just the Clicks
Shaving Cream
- Go to Bosco's.
- Pick up Shaving Cream.
- Exit to street.
- Enter DeSoto.
- Chase after rats.
- Shoot rat car into open manhole.
- Go to TV Studio.
- Talk to Director.
- Ask what she's doing here.
- Audition for the part.
- Use Shaving Cream on Sam.
- Shoot Max with Tear Gas Grenade Launcher.
TV Clip
- Enter Midtown Cowboys set.
- Start taping.
- Pick up plate from table.
- Pick up lampshade from lamp.
- Use lampshade on cow.
- Say that the cow is the chef.
- Use plate on cowpie.
- Say she said "Moo Goo Gai Pan".
- Attempt to enter Myra's studio.
- Show her the TV Clip.
Record Contract
- Enter Embarrassing Idol set.
- Take Peepers' lyrics.
- Enter Who's Never Going To Be A Millionaire set.
- Click on contestant's podium.
- Lose.
- Use lyrics with questions on host's podium.
- Click on contestant's podium.
- Answer Yes if he is blue, No if he isn't.
- Enter Cooking Without Looking set.
- Click on any item on counter.
- Bake a cake.
- Use any ingredients.
- Cook the cake.
- Go to Bosco's.
- Give Bosco food stamps.
- Use cake on condiments next to the bathroom.
- Go to Embarrassing Idol set.
- Give cake to Whizzer.
- Use Voice Modulator on Sam.
- Click on microphone.
- Sing song.
- Attempt to enter Myra's studio.
- Show her the Record Contract.
- Go to Who's Never Going To Be A Millionaire set.
- Talk to Hugh Bliss.
- Ask for a magic trick.
- Ask him to be green.
- Ask for a photograph with him.
- Go to Sybil's.
- Give Sybil photograph.
- Pick up newspaper from outside Bosco's.
- Attempt to enter Myra's studio.
- Show her the scandal.
- Talk until you can exit dialog and access inventory.
- Use Voice Modulator on Sam.
- Play Banjo.
- Tell Myra about the scandal picture.
- Claim somebody else was involved.
- Select Bessy the Cow.