Just the Clicks
The White House
- Click on Pay Phone.
- Enter DeSoto.
- Go to the office.
- Call the White House using the telephone.
- Ask Superball to hold.
- Return to the White House.
- Go inside.
The President
- Talk to the President.
- Go outside.
- Pick up Boxing Glover by pond.
- Go inside again.
- Talk to the President.
- You are ready to interpret.
- "What's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?"
- "Which way is the War Room?"
- Use Boxing Glove on the President.
The Issues
- Return to the street.
- Investigate posters behind DeSoto.
- Pick up "Give me all you got!" poster.
- Talk to Hugh Bliss.
- Ask him to show you a magic trick.
- Take "Free Home Delivery!" sign.
- Return to the White House.
- Change Cue Cards in front of Lincoln to "Two wrongs don't make a right".
- Talk to Lincoln.
- Ask to talk about the issues.
- Ask about Religion and Schools.
- Use "Give me all you got!" poster with Cue Cards.
- Talk about the issues.
- Ask about tax plan.
- Use "Free Home Delivery!" sign with Cue Cards.
- Talk about the issues.
- Ask about toxic waste.
Family Values
- Take flyer from beneath Lincoln.
- Use Organic Listening Device with Lincoln.
- Pick up bug.
- Go to Sybil's.
- Give flyer to Sybil.
- Go to the office.
- Use bug on the phone.
- Call Sybil.
- "I, Abraham Lincoln, am that man."
- "This is a date that will be remembered for centuries to come."
- "I stand here at the steps of the White House."
- "The time to act is now."
- Return to the White House?
- Go to Sybil's.
- Ask how Carbon-dating works.
- Return to the White House.
- Look at National Budget on the desk.
- Allocate budget to Sybil.
- Go to Sybil's.
- Take Carbon-Dating Device.
- Go to Bosco's.
- Use Carbon-Dating Device on Hot Weenie's.
- Return to the White House.
- Allocate budget to Bosco.
- Go back to Bosco's.
- Ask for Truth Serum.
- Return to the White House.
- Give Truth Serum to Whizzer.
- Take Ribbon from President's desk.
- Look at calendar.
- Change date to Secretary's Day.
- Use Ribbon on Superball.
- Declare him a secretary.
- Tell him to take a vacation.
- Enter the War Room.
- Select targeting computer.
- Select Bosco as target.
- Go to Bosco's.
- Take Beacon from behind sale sign next to the entrance.
- Chase after Lincoln in the DeSoto.
- Use Beacon on Lincoln.
- Return to the War Room.
- Fire missile at Lincoln.